Check How Life Insurance Proves To Be A Life Protector For Non Doms?}

Check how life insurance proves to be a life protector for non-doms?


Brijesh B.Experts suggest that if you have a life insurance then there is no need to worry about the non-dom legislation issued in the month of October. As famously quoted by Lord Jenkins, Inheritance tax is a voluntary tax, paid by those who distrust their heirs more than they dislike the Inland Revenue’. This statement was quite true until the recent announcement of non-dom legislation which enforces inheritance tax (IHT) on everybody, whether they are UK residents or not.

It is a well known fact that UK nationals have to pay 40% IHT on their world wide estates in the event of death. The law offers inter-spousal exemptions and the condition that the first 325,000 of one’s estate is normally exempted from the IHT. The government has frozen these rules until 2021, which means that a big chunk of the estates will be impacted by IHT in the event of the owner’s death.


Now, to resolve this issue, one of the best methods is to consider a Potentially Exempt Transfer (PET). If you do not know what is PET then let us clarify that it is the method of transferring your property as a gift to your family member. As gifts do not fall under the realm of IHT, you can transfer your estate to your loved ones and they do not need to pay the IHT. Hold on! Isn’t there a clause associated with this kind of estate transfer? Well, the government has reserved the number of years for which IHT would not be imposed on PET. According to law, IHT would not be incurred on PET for a period of seven years.

Now, in case, the donor dies within a span of seven years since offering PET, a portion of or the entire gift (property) will become chargeable to IHT. History suggests that UK families would write in trust to save the beneficiaries from IHT however, as per the amendments made in 2006, writing in trust is subjected to 20% taxes. This is quite an unpleasant scenario for the non-doms as the government has reduced the time period within which one becomes domicile to 15 out of 20 years. This makes the non-doms liable for IHT in case they have worldwide estates.

One of the striking news related to owners of UK residential property is that after April 2017, any kind of shares in offshore companies with a link to the UK residential property would not be considered as an excluded property for IHT. In addition, those who are living in UK properties owned by the offshore trusts would be subjected to IHT charges in the event of their death. According to the latest reports, an estimated worth of 200 billion of UK residential property would fall into the realm of the latest IHT laws by April 2017.

If you are a non-dom and fall into this category then there is no need to panic as a simple life insurance plan would serve as a solution for keeping away the IHT. Whether you have a single or joint life insurance policy, the claim proceeds of the policy would not be considered as part of one’s worldwide estate in the event of the death of the policy holder. To deal with this issue immaculately, you must take expert advice especially when dealing with a high value life insurance policy. Authentic advice should be taken whether you are a UK resident or fall into the category of non-doms. This would help you in a big way to get cheaper life insurance premiums if you have absolute knowledge about underwritings and reinsurance treaties.

Brijesh B. is a personal finance mentor lives in the city of London. He is working at UK’s price comparison website He suggests all British breadwinners to compare life insurance plans and keep the premium down for lifetime. When he isn’t writing, he is spending time to find advance technique of farming and its way of applying. He also plays his guitar gifted by his father.

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German government considers introducing mosque taxes, like church taxes

Saturday, December 29, 2018

On Wednesday, lawmakers of German ruling coalition parties — Christian Democratic Union of Germany ((de))German language: ?Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU), Social Democratic Party of Germany ((de))German language: ?Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), and Christian Social Union in Bavaria ((de))German language: ?Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern (CSU) — announced they were considering imposing new mandatory taxation Muslims would have to pay, which the government would distribute as funding to mosques. The lawmakers said this was a possible solution to stop funding and finance of the mosques in Germany from foreign countries and institutes.

The proposal would introduce taxes for Muslims similar to the mandatory taxes the state collects from practicing Protestants and Catholics in order to fund the churches.

Official estimates indicate Germany has around 4.4 to 4.7 million resident Muslims. Mosques currently receive funding from foreign sources. Press reports indicate Gulf countries provide funding to mosques and imams. Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs ((tr))Turkish language: ?Diyanet ??leri Türk-?slam Birli?i (D?T?B) is reportedly one of the biggest foreign institutes currently funding mosques in Germany. D?T?B is under direction by the Turkish government and reportedly influences over 900 German Muslim communities.

Speaking to Deutsche Welle, Seyran Ates, founder of a progressive mosque in German capital Berlin, said German Islam “has a huge influence from outside, from foreign countries”. Ates went on to say, “They [German Muslims] have to take care about their own religion here in Germany. So Muslims in Germany should do something for Islam in Germany”.

Thorsten Frei of CDU told German daily Die Welt this is an “important step” enabling “Islam in Germany to emancipate itself from foreign states”. CSU’s Michael Frieser said, “Mosques must be open and transparent”.

Describing the idea of the new tax as “worthy of discussion”, Burkhard Lischka of SPD noted: “We need to work with the states on this issue, since the church tax is then responsibility of the states”.

Some other European governments, similarly to Germany, mandate Christians pay church taxes in order to fund the churches; including Austria, Italy, and Sweden.

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Parajet Skycar expedition takes off from London to Timbuktu

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Two explorers have set off from Knightsbridge, London Wednesday morning (0900 GMT) in a propeller-powered dune buggy heading for the Sahara. Giles Cardozo, age 29, from Dorset, with chief pilot and expedition leader Neil Laughton, age 45, an ex-SAS officer, will fly and drive the amazing two-seater vehicle more than 6,000-km (3,750-miles) to fabled Timbuktu on February 20.

“I just can’t wait to see their faces when we fly in and start playing football with them. I don’t think they will be able to believe somebody in a flying car has just visited them,” ‘extreme golfer’ Mr Laughton said before the departure. Timbuktu (Timbuctoo; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu; French: Tombouctou) is an isolated city in Tombouctou Region, in the West African nation of Mali. They will traverse Europe and Africa about 42 days to arrive at the city in Mali, West Africa before returning home via Senegal.

The home-made 450-kilogram Skycar has been designed by Cardozo in just 18 months. It is the world’s first road legal bio fuelled flying car. It is a four cylinders modified Rage Motorsport off-road racing buggy which was approved by the government last month. It runs on bioethanol and is powered by a modified 140bhp Yamaha R1 superbike engine with a lightweight automatic continuously variable transmission from a snowmobile.

The team invested about £250,000 ($380,000) to make the 1000cc engine Skycar desert-proof. In its maiden voyage, the flying car will be escorted by up to 13 people convoy including an eight-wheel truck, two Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4s and several motorbikes. It has left London’s Sheraton Park Tower hotel, heading through the capital to Dunsfold airfield in Surrey.

The team had initially planned to take the air route across the English Channel, but the 35km flight was vetoed by aviation authorities. Skycar is required by law to obtain a license from Britain’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), including a permit from the British Microlight Aircraft Association (BMAA). Skycar spokeswoman, Charlie Bell, however clarified that the team was “in liaison with the CAA and they are looking to finalize the permit,” adding that it is in order for the rest of the trip.

The Skycar will thereafter fly over the high-altitude Pyrenees near Andorra, and would cross over the 14-km (nine-mile) Strait of Gibraltar. The prepared journey also includes the route through Mauritania, Atlas Mountains in Morocco and into Mali. It will further cross the harsh environment of Sahara’s remote “Rub’ al Khali” (empty quarter), for up to two weeks amid real fears of terrorist attacks.

The expedition will not have an easy task, especially since the Skycar will be tested to the limits amid punishing operating environments and weather conditions. “Clearly the reliability of the car is crucial,” said Mr Laughton. “We’re going to have to cope with wind chill temperatures as low as -30 deg C and blistering heat of up to 50 deg C. But it’s been fully tested at a secret location and it 100 per cent works,” he added.

The Parajet Skycar is a prototype flying car. It was developed by British paramotor manufacturer Parajet. The flying car utilizes a paramotor and a parafoil attached to a modified dune buggy to achieve sustained level flight. Should the engine fail, the vehicle can glide back to the ground. Should the canopy rip, an emergency reserve parachute would be deployed. It requires three minutes to convert it from a car to an aircraft. The prototype runs on biodiesel and is fully road-legal.

In 2004 British engineer Giles Cardozo, a paramotor manufacturer, has invented a fan-powered flying car to prove the Skycar is real and works. “I started making a paramotor on wheels that you sit on and take off and it suddenly occurred to me, ‘Why not just have a car that does everything?’” Cardozo said. His Wiltshire-based company Parajet built the paramotor that the adventurer Bear Grylls did fly near Everest in 2008. In 1998, Grylls, aged 23, became the youngest British to ascend Mount Everest. In May 2007, Grylls and Cardozo departed from Pheriche, about 32 kilometres south of Mount Everest.

I thought this would be an interesting challenge… Timbuktu is an iconic and quirky destination.

Cardozo has claimed he may finally have made it. “I’ve been dreaming about making flying cars since I was a boy, thinking about all the ways it could be done and seeing how all the other people in the world have done it wrong. No one’s ever made one that really does work that you can go out and buy. But here’s the ultimate solution: it’s cheap, it’s safe, it works, all the technology’s already there. So I pushed ahead and thought, ‘We’ve got to do it’,” he said.

If the Skycar becomes successful, Cardozo’s company plans a limited production with a selling price of £35,000 to £40,000 for a standard model and £60,000 for a high-performance sports version. “It will be a serious aircraft but also a proper road machine, with acceleration to match your average sports car,” says Cardozo. “I’m not going to sell millions of them but even if we sell 20 we’ll be laughing,” he added.

The explorers, with the aid of sponsors, supporters and benefactor Sir Ranulph Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, 3rd Baronet OBE (known as ‘Ranulph (Ran) Fiennes’), have aimed to raise more than £100,000 for some charities including an African orphanage.

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Quit Smoking With Cigarro Electronico Valencia

Quit Smoking with Cigarro Electronico Valencia


egot egot.

Smoking is one such habit which is associated with lots of individuals. It is extremely harmful and causes health issues like oral cancer and other problems. But, still it has developed as a trend, today. The smoke also causes problems to other people around you. But, there are certain options by which you can smoke without disturbing other and your health to a certain extent. A brand new invention that every smoker is taking about is the use of electronic cigarettes. These are also known as a smokeless or e-cigarettes. It is a one breakthrough product which has changed the legal landscape for smokers around the world.

These products are easily available in the market and there are lots of companies that design them. However, it is advisable that you use the product of a well known company. One such company which has been serving people for years is the cigarro electronico Valencia. It is highly popular among regular smokers. These devices have become a medium by which one can leave their smoking habit. Proponents used in these devices deliver the experience of smoking while eliminating the smell and health risks associated with tobacco. They are now officially used as dejar fumar inawera.


These cigarrillo electrico Valencia include propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and sometimes polyethylene glycol. These have been widely used as a food additive and as a base solution for personal care products such as toothpaste and in medical devices such as asthma inhalers. There are lots of variations and models in cigarro electronic Valencia provides. You can also get a beginner pack which includes ce4 Kit V2 with batteries, an atomizer, charger, transformer and a bottle of liquid foundation. Moreover they also provide smoking pipes. These can come handy in giving you a classy look. This pack includes 2 batteries of 800mAh, 1 atomizer, 6ml XL DC with one spare customizer and 1 battery charger.

Buying cigarro electronic Valencia has become quite easy. There are many companies and service providers who have their websites. These portals are sufficed with product information which can be helpful, before you make the purchase. These portals have not only proven to be time effiecnt but also explore you to a wide range of cigarettes? that you can use. The process of placing an order is also an easy one. All you need to do is select the kit and simply click buy. The websites then prompt a dialogue box which guides you through a secure payment gateway. These portals are legally authorized so there in nothing to worry about their credibility or reliability.

The benefits that you can have by quitting smoking are many. It improves the overall health and fertility. It has also been noted that people who stop smoking have younger looking skin. It also saves you from various oral problems and gives you better breathing. It also decreases your stress levels and helps you live a better and a productive life. With the quality cigarro electronic Valencia products you can slowly but gradually mends your ways.

tiendaecig is the author of this article on

cigarro electronico valencia

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Austrian police find dozens dead inside lorry

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Austrian police today found an estimated 20–50 decomposing corpses in an apparently abandoned lorry.

Roadworkers who spotted the vehicle, which had been there since yesterday at least, alerted police. Responding officers found it full of corpses. The lorry is on the so-called “Eastern Motorway”, the A4, close to the Hungarian border. It was on the hard shoulder between Neusiedl and Parndorf, closer to Parndorf.

The victims are thought to have suffocated. Police are seeking the driver. The Krone published an image of a non-articulated food lorry on the hard shoulder, which they report is the vehicle in question. The photo shows a pool of dark liquid on the ground beside the vehicle.

Video from a passing motorist shows at least one helicopter on-scene. The truck, which has pictures of meat on the side, shows branding for Slovakian food firm Hyza. Earlier today the company’s website sported an apparent anti-immigration graphic, which has since been removed.

Wikinews got in touch with Hyza. “We are truly sorry about [the] tragedy” they told us in a statement. They said they have checked GPS trackers on their fleet and all their vehicles remain in Slovakia. The statement says the lorry in question was one of 21 Hyza vehicles sold on last year. It was then sold again and exported to Hungary, where it is now registered. Hyza told us the new owners have not changed the branding on the vehicle. According to the Bild newspaper, Agrofert — the parent company of Hyza — said in a statement the new owners were required to do so.

Hyza says they will “actively cooperate with Slovak police”, and “express [their] sincere condolences to the bereaved families.”

Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner called it “a dark day” and called for European Union-wide measures to protect immigrant refugees and tackle human traffickers. Neighbouring Hungary is constructing a border fence across its entire frontier with Serbia. Yesterday alone saw a record 3,241 attempts to enter Hungary illegally, according to authorities there.

Conflict in Syria and other parts of the world has led refugees to Europe. Once inside, they can move freely inside the Schengen Area, which covers most of the EU.

Austrian police earlier this week arrested three motorists suspected of people smuggling. One driver is accused of moving 34 people, ten of them children, into Austria from Serbia. The group were left by the roadside near Bruck an der Leitha and reported struggling to breathe in the van.

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Live grenade thrown at George Bush in Georgia

Wednesday, May 18, 2005File:Bush Embassy photo.jpg

On May 10 while visiting Georgia’s capital Tbilisi a live hand grenade landed within 100 feet of United States President George W. Bush.

The grenade was wrapped in a dark plaid cloth handkerchief. According to Brian Paarmann, the FBI’s legal attache at the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi, it was “tossed in the general direction of the main stage” about 1:30 p.m., right after Bush began speaking, and landed less than 100 feet from the podium. The grenade reportedly bounced off a child’s cap and then was removed by a Georgian security officer.

The White House initially stated that the president was in no real danger, however the event has lead to a review of security measures at presidential events.

An FBI official at the U.S. embassy in Georgia confirms that an explosive device was thrown, but due to a malfunction it failed to detonate. “This hand grenade appears to be a live device that simply failed to function due to a light strike on the blasting cap induced by a slow deployment of the spoon activation device,” the FBI stated.

The FBI is still investigating the incident. According to their report the device failed to explode because of a malfunction. “The activation device deployed too slowly to hit the blasting cap hard enough,” agent Bryan Paarmann said. A 20,000 laris (US$10,978) reward is offered for information leading to the arrest of the person responsible.

The grenade was a knock-off of a Soviet-designed RGD-5, which has a lethal range of about 100 feet. “We consider this act to be a threat against the health and welfare of both the president of the United States and the president of Georgia as well as the multitude of Georgian people that had turned out at this event,” Paarmann said. It had initially been believed to be a non-explosive model used for military training.

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Impressive Housing Venture}

Submitted by: Swati Tomar

Gaur City brings in the options to invest in 2, 3 and 4 BEDROOMS flats which are accessible in varying sizes of 845-1900 square feet. Read on the article to learn more about the project. Spread across a region of 125 acres of land, Gaur City by Gaur sons is among the finest and biggest housing townships in Hugeer Noida West. It is an ambitious project by the leading builders of NCR, Gaursons India Limited and its partner Saviour Builders Pvt. Ltd., another respected name in the real estate fraternity. The project is an ideal amalgamation of contemporary amenities and greenery. The homes will be accessible for possession by December 2014. Specifications: Gaur City has an ultra contemporary neighbourhood and well-furnished homes with all type of contemporary specifications.

For Details of Prestige Sunrise Park call @ 8971315026

The project ensures big open spaces for construction of parks, playgrounds, play zone for children & public parking. In addition to green ecosystems, there are as well open regions for construction housing. Gaur City is one of its kind projects, which takes care of the availability of space & bars any type of vehicular movement on the ground surface. The bigger landscape allows traffic free movement, where children can play without any fear to come across any vehicle & people can walk along. For the sports lowers and health freak residents, the Gaur City offers a full-fledged sports complex. For spending their leisure time, the residents can as well enjoy Sauna Bath and Jacuzzi Bath in the club home, while they as well have the options to play billiards, table tennis and cards. A banquet hall with guest rooms facilities and a play school with crche add to the value of the project.

For pre launch offer of Prestige sunrise park call @ 8971315026


Other facilities accessible within the premises of the project are:

1) Shopping-complexes

2) Nursery-school

3) Religious-Building

4) Nursing -Homes


The 2, 3 and 4 BEDROOMS flats at Gaur sons Gaur City Noida are accessible in a price range of 30 to 75 Lacs, depending on the total construction region. About the builder: Gaur sons India Limited is a real estate builder to reckon with in Delhi NCR. The company has numerous projects to its credit, one of which is Gaur Sports Wood, Hugeer Noida West. The project gained a lot of popularity among buyers. The company has a history of delivering class projects on time & according to the promised specifications.Noida real estate seems quite promising with the new projects coming up at different localities. Gone are the days when the home buyers used to prefer just a few segments in Noida. Now, the development in terms of real estate in Noida has gone beyond the expectations. This growth is significantly prevalent on Noida-Hugeer Noida Expressway too. The ideal localities on Noida Expressway such as segment-137 & 143 offer some alluring property deals that are ideal for todays home buyer. Considering the present scenario, segment-137 is seen as a promising locality for both end users and investors.

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New video of captured British troops aired; protests at UK embassy in Tehran

Monday, April 2, 2007

Iran state television broadcast a new video of two officers among the fifteen British sailors and marines seized by Iran last week.

Yesterday, Iranian students demonstrated in front of the British embassy in Tehran over the incident.

Demonstrators threw stones, firecrackers and a smoke grenade but were prevented from entering the embassy compound by police. No damage was reported and no one at the embassy was injured. The BBC‘s correspondent on the location reported that the protestors were hardline Islamist students from Tehran University, who chanted “Death to Britain” and called for an apology from the UK for the incident and putting the seized soldiers on trial. Protestors also carried banners saying “finally wipe Israel from the face of the Earth”.

The new video shows one of the servicemen, Royal Marine Capt. Chris Air, pointed to an area on a map where Iran says they were when the British troops were arrested.

“We were seized apparently at this point here on their maps and on the GPS they’ve shown us, which is inside Iranian territorial waters. And so far we have been treated very well by all the people here. They have looked after us and made sure there’s been enough food and we’ve been treated very well by them, so we thank them for that,” said Air.

Lt. Felix Carman is the second serviceman to appear in the video. Carman was also showing viewers where they were detained by Iranian forces.

“[It is] completely unacceptable for these pictures to be shown on TV,” said a British Foreign Ministry spokesman, echoing previous statements from the Prime Minister Tony Blair and Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett.

On March 23, the fifteen sailors and marines from the frigate HMS Cornwall were inspecting a ship, in what the UK identified as Iraqi waters, when they were surrounded by Iranian gunboats and taken into custody. Iran claims the UK forces were in Iranian waters, though they have released the 15.

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This is the category for cannabis, a drug with recreational and medicinal uses.

Refresh this list to see the latest articles.

  • 16 February 2018: United States: Berkeley, California declares itself a sanctuary city for recreational cannabis
  • 16 April 2017: Canada to legalise marijuana to ‘make it more difficult for kids to access’
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  • 31 December 2016: Helsinki court jails anti-drug chief Jari Aarnio for drug smuggling
  • 4 May 2014: First arrests made in Singapore for possession of New Psychoactive Substances
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  • 2 December 2013: Police report drug haul seizure worth up to £30 million in Brownhills, England
  • 5 June 2013: Scottish court jails Joseph Kearins for culpable homicide of Jordan McGuire

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