Create A Fun Theme For Your Child’s Next Fancy Dress Party

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Maybe you have grown tired of the same old kid party themes and want to liven things up just a bit. You can do this by using your imagination to create a fun theme that will have all of the children dancing with delight. Don’t be afraid to be a little different, kids really appreciate a party that is totally unique. You will find that these little ones are your biggest fans.

You first have to decide on a theme, but do not worry, this is really easy. Perhaps your kid loves pirates. If that is the case then Pirates will be your theme. Now you have to get down to particulars. Do you want to let everyone dress alike and have a contest for the best Captain Jack Sparrow? If not you can ask each guest to come as their favourite pirate and present a gift for the most original costume.

Create your invitations from parchment paper and purchase some little boxes that look like miniature treasure chests to hold them. Then hand-deliver them to all of the guests. Draw the directions to your home so that it looks like a treasure map for an extra added touch.


Find some music with pirate songs and play them in the background while everyone is arriving. Decorate your home with red, black and gold balloons and streamers. Create names for all of the food that you are serving such as Shipwreck Sandwiches, Hidden Treasure Cookies, I Spy Chips.

A fun theme for pirates is to have a dress up party at your home. Ask the children to wear their favourite pirate shirt and pants to the festivities. Then you can set up a box with all types fun accessories like bandanas, neck chains, plastic (or foam) cutlasses, hats and eye-patches. Let the guests choose the accessories that they want to wear.

Another idea is to have a Create a Pirate theme. You can give each child a cut out of a pirate figure made from paper or cardboard. Then provide them with glue, feathers, bits of cloth, buttons and other interesting decorations. Each kid creates their ideal pirate and you can award prizes for their efforts.

Have a treasure hunt inside the home or out in the yard. You can use small gold wrapped candies for the treasure. Pass out clues and have some additional clues hidden about that must be found before they can locate the treasure.

Arrange a pirate scavenger hunt and hide small plastic parrots, play jewellery, imitation gold doubloons and tiny pirate ships. You can keep your pirate loving guests occupied for an hour or more with these pirate themed expeditions.

A little imagination will go a long way and you can create a fun theme for any occasion or fancy dress idea. Remember that you need to keep your sense of humour, relax and have fun with the guests. If you do this your party will be the hit of the season.

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Original article by Stanley Lewis for a UK based online childrens fancy dress store that specialise in childrens fancy dress costumes.Author: Stanley Lewis